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I have a strong belief in the incredible benefits of coming back to more natural ways of living. I aim to help you cultivate a profound, direct experience and relationship with the Creator, which inevitably facilitates lasting and life-changing breakthroughs that work in your (and everyone’s) highest good. By helping people strengthen their connection to Source, I strive to contribute to a peaceful world wherein all people embody the attributes of their Higher Selves, and live harmoniously in service to each other and the Earth.


My Experience

I’ve been working with plant medicine, yoga, and meditation, from a young age. But the experience that rattled my whole existence happened on my 28th birthday, when the fabric of reality tore open and a hand broke through the sky, touched me on the head, and blessed me. I saw myself from multiple perspectives, saw a flame above my head and in my heart, and witnessed how a light entered into me that gave me new life. My whole life changed then.

This experience was so intense - it was the most profound and meaningful experience I’d lived in this lifetime, but it also came with an immense amount of healing and working interdimensionally in the Spirit, which brought its many waves of emotion. For the next few years, I was unable to function in the “outside world” and spent my days meditating and writing, sometimes up to 18 hours a day. How I was always able to pay my rent and bills remains a mystery, a miracle, and a blessing.

When, in 2010, I laid my hand on someone’s injured shoulder and, within moments, completely relieved them from all pain, more and more people came into my life that I could help. It was through these interactions, as well as my growing remembrance of doing this work in past lives, that helped me to believe in my healing power. Over time, I became more integrated into living everyday life again.

One day, I saw an image of hands emanating light with a referral to the modality called Reiki, and reached out to find out what it was. When I came into the practitioner’s studio, I told her of my experience, did my energy work on her, and she told me: “Whatever it is that you’re doing, keep doing it”. I got certified as a Reiki Master, but I continue to work from my own modality of healing, Molecular Light Therapy, in all my sessions.

Meanwhile, the medicine I was making from wild-foraged plants and mushrooms increased my well-being enormously, and so I started sharing it with others. Eventually, they became products. Eventually, I started this business.

For the past few years, I’ve been thrilled to be of service to people, and I would love to be of service to you. Please have a look around the website to see what service and/or product calls out to you, and always feel free to reach out to me with any questions.
